Website Analytics

Use Leto Analytics on a simple IPFS website hosted on


Use Leto with an IPFS hosted website to monitor traffic, watch for system abuse, and improve your system.

In this example, an HTML webpage is uploaded to IPFS via and is retrieved using the Leto IPFS gateway. Anonymous analytics data is then accessible through the Leto dashboard or Analytics API.

We made a Link in Bio webpage for this example. Feel free to make any type of webpage that suits your needs!

Create a simple html webpage to display your important links. View the code used in this example here. For this example, there is some basic css in the index.html file to make it easy to upload to IPFS via

If you want to include other files (like a separate css file) or have an app like a react app, you will have to build it and then upload the build folder to You can use providers like Spheron and Dappling to build the file and launch the app on IPFS for you.

Login to, make a space, and upload your index.html file.


Now, the index.html file (in this case a webpage) is accessible by clicking the link under “CID”.

To collect anonymous analytics for this webpage, input your CID into the following link format{yourCID} instead of using the link provided by

When users retrieve the webpage through this link, anonymous analytics data is generated. It’s that easy to host a webpage on IPFS and measure webpage performance with Leto!

Interacting with your analytics

Use the Leto dashboard to view the analytics data generated by your webpage. Login at and select “CIDs''. Input the CID for your website.

Last updated